We can ride these bicycles just like a normal cycle, but if you are going at some distant place and got tired just switch the electric power batteries on, then by using these batteries we can travel up to 100 Miles (about 160 Kilometers) without any recharging.
One of the German manufacturers Kalkhoff comes with such three types of “e-bikes” that are fitted 6, 12 & 18 amp-hour batteries. The variety kept in these batteries are due to the need of the customer, if you are traveling to short distance than 8-amp hour battery is enough for the bike.
Now lets read about 18-inch tall portable e-bike that is too small to carry, such a bike is powered by a lithium ion battery, it can travel about 12mph for up to 10 miles without any recharges.
This was the whole story of latest e-bikes coming in our lives.