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Cameras are not only used in saving memorable pictures but they are also used to diagnose various hidden diseases. Therefore the scientists of Germany of “Fraunhofer Institute” had developed an extremely tiny video camera that is not bigger than a grain of a salt. This tiny camera will be used to go through into various internal organs. One of the main good news about it is, that it is inexpensive and when it will be used than it may be replaced or thrown away with a new one. Most of the "Endoscopes" uses optic fibers but these cameras use normal electric cables. This new technology will be launched in the market in the next year for the use and cure of mankind. And think for a while, what will be tinier then a grain of a salt?
Now most of the countries are searching for the alternative way of fuel due to the rise in prices and its effect on the economy. Now as the evolution of science and to use the alternative natural resources, scientists are now moving toward certain types of bacteria that contain cellulose, as cellulose is the most common natural compound on our planet. Cotton contains 90%, wood 50% of cellulose and even all plants consists of 33% of cellulose as it is also the main component of the cell wall of the plants. Cellulose consists of hundred and thousands of chains that are linked together in glucose units. Previously lots efforts are done to convert this cellulose into biofuels like ethanol but not succeeded, may be the main reason of it is, the difficulty in breaking of its components in starch than sugar because of the linking of cellulose units with each other. But now the good news is that the scientists at Bio-energy Science Center in US had successfully converted cellulose directly into “Isobutanol” by using genetically sequenced strain of cellulose, it is more advantageous biofuel because it can directly be used in car engines as it also contains the same amount of heat as of petrol. Just wait for the few more successful developments then it will be commercially available for use and you will be using biofuel in your cars in the coming future that will be produced from grass.