Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beef Burgers leads towards Global Warming !!

We had never ever thought that the food we are consuming in the shape of meat will contribute to global warming.

The meat we take almost daily in any shape between burgers or in meals, contains some components in it that contribute to global warming.

Animal produce methane gas in the process of digestion that leads towards global warming, it is studied that methane is 23 time dangerous than carbon dioxide, because only few ounces of methane is equal to 4 to 5 pounds carbon dioxide which also add to global warming.

Now to researchers are thinking to produce such kind of fodder for animals that contribute less to global warming.

If meat is compared with chicken and potatoes then meat produces 13 time more then chicken and 57 times more then potatoes to global warming.

Latest survey tells that in USA the persons that consume beef daily contribute to such a large green house gas that it is sufficient to drive a car for 1800 miles.

So don’t forget while taking a single bite of beef burgers.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Learning Abilities of Robots, Now same like Children !!

Robots will now learn same as children learn from their surroundings when they grow up.

In Genova robots are now designed with such abilities that they learn from their surroundings, this practice is going on in an Italian Institute of Technology in Genova.

These robots are toddler in size and their brain is designed in such a way that they learn from their environment same as newly born baby does.

Scientist has named “iCub” to this toddler robot; this robot gives an insight to scientists to understand that how humans learn from their environment. This new robot “iCub” can clasp objects and have the ability to recognize human faces and detect objects. Scientists are now arguing that with the passage of time this toddler “iCub” will speak, catch the ball in mid air and even recognize different voices.

US 125 millions are granted to almost 11 European Universities from European Union, to work together on such iCubs, twenty iCubs are manufactured and sent to various laboratories where they will be trained and tested.

Robots are much important in every aspect that may be potential, industrial or in armies, it is no doubt to say that one day the country with advance robots will be at the top.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cloning Plants !!

It is now possible to produce thousands of plants commercially without using seeds.

A leaf is divided into small pieces and placed in a test tube in a chemical medium containing nutrients and growth hormones. After about six to eight weeks shoots start to develop which are cut off and placed in another medium. Once the root has been formed, the plant is transferred to soil in an environment with high humidity, usually green house. When the leaves have been formed, the plants can usually survive in less humid environment.

Plants with certain desirable properties, e.g. color of flowers, size or taste of fruits etc, can be thus multiplied, since the cloned products produced, being genetically identical, will have the same characteristics as the parent.

The procedure works well in the manufacture of orchids, bananas and many other plants and is cost effective because of mass production of plants with desirable traits.